

I'm Jill and I'm so glad you chose to visit! The Lord laid it on my heart to start Relentless Love so that I might share stories of lives changed by the hope found in Christ...starting with my own! I hope you'll check it out. 

A Chicken Story

A Chicken Story

I titled this post “ a chicken story” because I thought if I called it “a chicken resurrection” some people might not bother reading. After all, who could imagine such a thing? However, that’s exactly what it was.

My husband was at work; I was trying to get all the kids to bed. When I took a quick break to go close up the hens, I noticed that one of them was missing.

So, armed with my little flashlight, I went out in search of the chicken. She was limp and lifeless, having just taken her last breath and drown in the horse’s water. Dismayed, I pulled her out and brought her inside pretty sure I was going to try to cook her.

When I walked back to the girls’ room and shared the fate of our chicken one of my sweet girls promptly replied, “Jesus can save the chicken!”

I would like to say that I had great faith but in that moment I honestly wished that I hadn’t even told them about the bird. I thought, “Oh no, dear Jesus, you have got to save this chicken!”

Now keep in mind that the chicken that I’m referring to was lying lifeless on the floor of the laundry room. It’s eyes were closed and its feathers had started to come out due to being in the water so long. There was no movement. The bird was completely limp.

Now, I know in the Bible Jesus brought Lazarus back to life . I know that Paul laid his hands on a young man who fell out of a three-story window and brought him back to life. And I’ve even heard of a very remarkable woman by the name of Heidi Baker who ministers in Mozambique, Africa and has seen over 450 resurrections from the dead, granted, I don’t think any of them were chickens. So, I had faith. Just probably not that of a mustard seed.

That said, I loved my little girl. I loved that she has such amazing faith. And I was gonna pray for that stupid chicken like I had never prayed before.

A brief video of some of our prayers are below. It is definitely worth watching. We prayed for over two hours for a dumb bird. Nice thing about praying for a dead chicken you’re not too worried about what it thinks of you.

I prayed with all I had but the real breakthrough came when my little girl started praying. She heard a noise (probably me shaking a dead chicken) and came into the laundry room where she gently laid her hands on the chicken and begin to pray for it. That’s when it made the greatest progress. You can see the results below. It is simply amazing! Our God is SO good!!!

Nora the Bear

Nora the Bear